Domestic Violence, Warren Buffet, and Motherhood
Warren Buffet attributes his luck, and yours as well, largely to the mother you were born to. That is how strongly one of the wealthiest men in the world feels about motherhood and the circumstances into which we are born.

Safe Relocation for Victims of Domestic Violence and Violent Crime
Sadly, for many victims of violent crime with chronic and credible threats against their safety, such as severe cases of domestic violence and/or stalking, the only viable long term safety strategy may be relocation.

“Why Doesn’t She Just Leave?”
As the Founder & CEO of an organization that provides services to at-risk victims of domestic violence, one of my biggest challenges winning supporters to our cause is the often reflexive reaction from many among us who simply wonder “why doesn’t she just leave?”

43rd NOVA Annual Training Event
On August 14, 2017, Founder and CEO Steven Dana represented PROTECTION FROM ABUSE at the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) 2017 Annual Training Event in San Diego, CA.

Domestic Violence & Stalking, Part II – A Potentially Deadly Combination
“I had to have my neighbors come sit in my living room just so I could take a shower. I had to change every bank account, utility account, every password, get two restraining orders, warn my coworkers, friends, and family.” – Jean, a former intimate partner stalking victim and domestic abuse survivor.

Domestic Violence & Stalking – A Potentially Deadly Combination
According to statistics, approximately 1 in 6 women, and 1 in 19 men, will experience stalking in their lifetime. Roughly two-thirds of female stalking victims are targeted by a current or former intimate partner. But what exactly constitutes the crime of stalking?

Defending Bill Cosby – The Victim Blame Game
Like many of us, I was once a fan of Bill Cosby, and particularly The Cosby Show while it aired. The Cosby Show promoted wholesome family values. The show, and Mr. Cosby himself, did not shy away from confronting difficult social issues of the time.

Should You Intervene If You Witness Domestic Violence? Yes, and No
The risks are clear. Direct intervention in a domestic violence incident can be dangerous, and should rarely ever be undertaken alone, or by non-professionals.

Volunteerism In Close Protection
I recently had the pleasure to address the attendees of the 2016 Close Protection Conference in Las Vegas. The conference was organized and hosted by the International Protective Security Board (IPSB). Founding member Charles “Chuck” Randolph graciously invited me to speak at the conference, and lead a discussion about “Volunteerism in Close Protection.”