Mission And Values
To provide education, guidance, and protection to at-risk victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, and victim-witnesses of violent crime.
To provide at-risk victims of abuse and violent crime with the same level of care and protective services traditionally reserved only for the wealthy, or privileged.
Everyone at PROTECTION FROM ABUSE believes that personal safety is an inalienable human right and dignity. We regard protecting others to be humanity’s highest calling and obligation and consider it a privilege to serve our most vulnerable. We do what we do because we can, and we believe that if you can, you should.
PROTECTION FROM ABUSE Security Services is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Collaborating with Law Enforcement, Victim-Witness Advocates, Federal and State Prosecutors, Houses of Worship, and other community stakeholders, PROTECTION FROM ABUSE educates and protects our most vulnerable. Between our Board of Directors and our Council of Experts, PROTECTION FROM ABUSE brings to bear over 150 years of combined threat assessment, risk mitigation, protective services, military service, and law enforcement experience to those we serve.
We Exist To Serve Others, Not Ourselves
We are committed to best practices non-profit corporate governance, transparency, and responsible stewardship of charitable funds. According to Charity Navigator, only 7 out of 10 charities evaluated spend at least 75% of their budget on the programs and services they exist to provide. We are committed to exceeding the 75% threshold. You can be confident when you donate to PROTECTION FROM ABUSE, your donations are actually used to assist those we serve.
Please feel free to peruse our tax filings, corporate documents, and state registrations.
We are a “victim-centered” service provider. Our advocacy focuses on the needs and concerns of our clients to ensure the compassionate and sensitive delivery of services in a nonjudgmental manner. Our client’s wishes, safety, and well being take priority in all matters and services provided.
We believe the safety and continuity of care for victims is best served by collaboration and cooperation among nonprofit organizations, federal and state agencies, and other community stakeholders. PROTECTION FROM ABUSE will always seek and consider collaborative arrangements that serve to advance the safety and scope of services available to victims and cooperate with other providers of services.
We are an ethical organization and have adopted the Code of Professional Ethics for Victim Assistance Providers as adopted by the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA). Our Board of Directors, Program Managers, Employees, and Volunteers are subject to our ethics policy.
We serve at-risk victims of abuse without regard to race/ethnicity, language, sex/gender, age, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, social class, economic status, education, marital status, religious affiliation, residency, or HIV status. We also prohibit in our workplace any unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based upon the individual’s protected status, such as gender, race, religion, national origin, sexual identity, age, disability, marital, veteran or other protected status. We also prohibit harassment on the basis of the protected status of an individual’s relatives, friends or associates. Harassment is prohibited at our offices and while employees are conducting business off-site. Our policy applies to all employees, volunteers, and community partners of our organization.
We use the terms “victim” and “Survivor” interchangeably to refer to individuals who were subjected to domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, or child abuse. We believe both terms are critical; “victim” has legal implications within the criminal justice system, and “Survivor” is a term widely attributable to those individuals who have overcome victimization, and we celebrate their courage, fortitude, and resilience. As a victim services provider, our use of the term “victim” is intended to be consistent with its meaning and use within our legal system and is never intended to ignore the courageous journey of the survivors we honor. Survivors are represented among our Board of Directors, Council of Experts, Employees, and Volunteers.
Recent Blog Posts
Retired New Jersey Victim-Witness Coordinator Joins PROTECTION FROM ABUSE
PHILADELPHIA – May 5, 2018- Cumberland County New Jersey Prosecutor’s Office Victim-Witness Coordinator Rita Carr-Volpe, who recently retired from her long and distinguished service to the Prosecutor’s office, has joined Protection From Abuse’s Council of Experts.
Protection From Abuse Among 2018 NJ VOCA Grant Awardees
PHILADELPHIA – January 28, 2018 – PROTECTION FROM ABUSE Security Services announced today that its application for funding under the 2018 VOCA New Jersey Assistance Victim Assistance Grant (VAG) Program has been accepted and conditionally approved by the Office of the Attorney General.

Domestic Violence, Warren Buffet, and Motherhood
Warren Buffet attributes his luck, and yours as well, largely to the mother you were born to. That is how strongly one of the wealthiest men in the world feels about motherhood and the circumstances into which we are born.

Safe Relocation for Victims of Domestic Violence and Violent Crime
Sadly, for many victims of violent crime with chronic and credible threats against their safety, such as severe cases of domestic violence and/or stalking, the only viable long term safety strategy may be relocation.